Kumo uses Snowpark Container Services to enable deep learning in the Snowflake Data Cloud

Announcing its integration of deep learning capabilities into the Snowflake Data Cloud through Snowpark Container Services, Kumo, a deep learning platform for relational data, made the announcement today at Snowflake Summit 2023. The feature of Snowpark, which enables developers to write code in their choice language and execute that code directly on Snowflake, has recently … Read more

Launching Causal AI for Kubernetes, Causely secures $8.8M in initial financing

Ellen Rubin is the CEO and creator of artificial intelligence company Causely, which today announced the introduction of a restricted early-access version of their Causal AI platform for corporate data. The startup uses Causal AI technology to transform how companies manage application performance and fix operational difficulties. The business also said today that it has … Read more

European venture capitalists and IT companies sign a letter cautioning against over-reglementing AI under proposed EU rules.

Europe\’s leading IT entrepreneurs, CEOs, VCs, and business titans have signed an open letter to the EU Commission warning that if the EU imposes policies that stifle innovation, Europe may miss out on the generative AI revolution. Executives from 150 companies, including Siemens of Germany and Airbus of France, emphasised the risks of strict regulation, … Read more