Snowflake Data Cloud with Nvidia allow generative AI app development.

Snowflake and Nvidia have formed a partnership to offer organisations with a platform for developing unique data-driven AI applications inside the Snowflake Data Cloud. The news was shared during the 2023 Snowflake Summit.

Businesses may use the data in their Snowflake accounts in conjunction with Nvidia\’s NeMo platform for large language models (LLMs) and GPU-accelerated processing to create LLMs for cutting-edge generative AI applications like chatbots, search, and summarization.

According to VentureBeat, Manuvir Das, Nvidia\’s director of commercial computing, this alliance stands out from the competition because it allows cloud-based generative AI model customization to fit the unique requirements of each businesses. Their \”proprietary data can be used to develop… cutting-edge generative AI applications without transferring them out of the secure Data Cloud environment,\” which will cut down on expenses and lag time without compromising data safety.

When discussing the value of data in creating generative AI applications that understand each company\’s unique processes and voice, Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang made this point clear.

Using their own cloud platforms, Nvidia and Snowflake will \”create an AI factory that helps enterprises turn their valuable data into custom generative AI models to power groundbreaking new applications,\” Huang said in a statement.

According to Nvidia, the partnership would open up new avenues for businesses to make use of their proprietary data, which may consist of hundreds of terabytes to petabytes of unstructured and structured information. With this information, they can design and perfect bespoke LLMs, paving the way for the creation of business-specific apps and services.

Cloud-based services that facilitate the creation of self-learning AI

According to Nvidia\’s Das, businesses who use generative AI models trained on their own data would have an edge over their counterparts that depend on vendor-specific models.

According to him, apps may take use of institutional knowledge—data about a company\’s brand, voice, policies, and operational encounters with customers—by using a personalised AI model created by fine-tuning or other methods of customization of LLMs.

According to VentureBeat, \”One way to think about customising a model is to compare the output of a foundational model to a new employee that just graduated from college, compared to an employee who has been with the company for 20 years or more,\” said Das. The long-serving worker \”has acquired the institutional knowledge necessary to solve problems quickly and accurately.\”

In order to develop an LLM, a predictive model must be trained utilising a massive data set. According to Das, having a large amount of data, a solid model, and fast processing power are all necessary for excellent outcomes. All three are included in the new partnership.

Over 8k clients trust Snowflake to host their exabytes of data. According to Das, \”this data is fuel for creating custom generative AI models as businesses look to add generative AI capabilities to their applications and services.\” It is expected that \”Nvidia NeMo running on our accelerated computing platform and pre-trained foundation models will provide the software resources and compute inside Snowflake Data Cloud to make generative AI accessible to enterprises.\”

NeMo is a cloud-native enterprise platform developed by Nvidia that facilitates the creation, modification, and deployment of billion-parameter generative AI models. To facilitate the creation and deployment of bespoke LLMs for generative AI applications, Snowflake plans to host and operate NeMo inside the Snowflake Data Cloud.

\”Data is the fuel of AI,\” Das said. According to the authors, \”by creating custom models using their data on Snowflake Data Cloud, enterprises will be able to leverage the transformative potential of generative AI to advance their businesses with AI-powered applications that deeply understand their business and the domains in which they operate.\”

Nvidia and Snowflake—what\’s next?

In addition, Nvidia said that they will provide faster processing as well as a full suite of AI tools as part of the partnership. In order to incorporate the Nvidia AI engine into Snowflake\’s Data Cloud, the business has announced that extensive co-engineering activities are now ongoing.

According to Das, generative AI is a game-changer that might affect almost every facet of corporate operations.

As businesses start to create and deploy unique models based on their valuable data, \”generative AI is a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity and has the potential to transform every industry,\” said Das. We are a platform firm that provides accelerated processing and full-stack software tailored to meet the specific demands of practically every sector, enabling our partners and clients to use AI to address humanity\’s most pressing challenges.

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