The current state of the \’operating system\’ competition for generative AI

The use of generative artificial intelligence, which can produce everything from text to graphics to whole applications, is changing the face of business. According to a recent research by McKinsey, it has the potential to contribute $4.4 trillion to the global economy by unlocking new sources of value and innovation.

Many businesses, however, are only getting started on the road to using generative AI. The effort required to adapt their methods, structures, and cultures to this new paradigm is enormous. They need to move quickly, however, before their rivals acquire an advantage.

Complex connections between generative AI applications and other corporate assets provide a significant challenge. Applications that rely on large language models (LLMs) may do more than just generate content and answers; they can also make choices on their own that have far-reaching consequences for the whole business. They need a different sort of infrastructure that can accommodate their cleverness and independence.

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According to Intuit\’s chief data officer Ashok Srivastava, who was interviewed at length by VentureBeat, this architecture may be compared to an operating system for generative AI; Intuit has been employing LLMs for years in the accounting and tax sectors. \”Think of a real operating system, like MacOS or Windows,\” he added, referencing the system\’s assistance, administration, and monitoring features. Similarly, LLMs need a method of coordinating their efforts and gaining access to relevant materials. Srivastava said, \”I think this is a revolutionary idea.\”

The extent of the shift that generative AI is causing in corporate settings is best shown by comparing it to the introduction of a new operating system. It\’s not as simple as piling on more programmes, libraries, and frameworks. It\’s also about letting the system make its own decisions, such as which LLM to use in the moment to respond to a user\’s inquiry and when to pass over the interaction to a human expert. In other words, an AI supervising another AI, as described by Srivastava of Intuit. In the end, it\’s all about empowering programmers with LLMs for speedy development of AI-generated software.

This is analogous to how operating systems revolutionised computers by hiding away tedious intricacies and making sophisticated activities simple for everyone. Businesses should follow suit when creating generative AI applications. Recently, Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, likened it to the change from steam to electric power. He explained to Wired that replacing a steam engine with an electric one required \”rewiring the entire factory.\”

What components should be included in a generative AI operating system?

Srivastava of Intuit identifies four important levels that businesses must take into account.

The first layer is the data layer, which guarantees the organisation has a standardised, easily accessible database. In the case of Intuit, this means maintaining a database that details everything related to tax law and accounting standards. Having a data governance procedure that safeguards consumer data and abides by laws is also essential.

The second layer is the development layer, which gives workers a standardised and reliable means of developing and releasing apps that make use of generative AI. GenStudio is Intuit\’s platform for creating LLM apps; it includes tools including pre-made frameworks, models, and libraries. Safeguards and governance regulations are included, as well as tools for rapid LLM creation and testing. The end objective is to facilitate quicker and simpler scaling by standardising and streamlining the development process.

The third layer is the runtime environment, which gives LLMs the ability to self-improve, optimise performance and cost, and make use of corporate data. According to Srivastava, here is where the most intriguing and novel work is being done. This field is being led by new open frameworks like LangChain. With the use of the LangChain interface, programmers may include LLMs through APIs and integrate them with other resources. It is possible to connect many LLMs in a chain and to set conditions for when each model should be used.

The fourth layer is the user experience, which is responsible for making the clients happy and adding value to the generative AI apps they use. Creating uniform, understandable, and interesting user interfaces is a part of this. Adjusting the LLM outputs according on user input and activity is also part of this process.

GenOS, Intuit\’s newly announced platform, incorporates all four layers, making it one of the first organisations to fully adopt a gen OS. Due in large part to the fact that the platform is not available to other developers, the announcement did not get much notice.

What components should be included in a generative AI operating system?

Srivastava of Intuit identifies four important levels that businesses must take into account.

The first layer is the data layer, which guarantees the organisation has a standardised, easily accessible database. In the case of Intuit, this means maintaining a database that details everything related to tax law and accounting standards. Having a data governance procedure that safeguards consumer data and abides by laws is also essential.

The second layer is the development layer, which gives workers a standardised and reliable means of developing and releasing apps that make use of generative AI. GenStudio is Intuit\’s platform for creating LLM apps; it includes tools including pre-made frameworks, models, and libraries. Safeguards and governance regulations are included, as well as tools for rapid LLM creation and testing. The end objective is to facilitate quicker and simpler scaling by standardising and streamlining the development process.

The third layer is the runtime environment, which gives LLMs the ability to self-improve, optimise performance and cost, and make use of corporate data. According to Srivastava, here is where the most intriguing and novel work is being done. This field is being led by new open frameworks like LangChain. With the use of the LangChain interface, programmers may include LLMs through APIs and integrate them with other resources. It is possible to connect many LLMs in a chain and to set conditions for when each model should be used.

The fourth layer is the user experience, which is responsible for making the clients happy and adding value to the generative AI apps they use. Creating uniform, understandable, and interesting user interfaces is a part of this. Adjusting the LLM outputs according on user input and activity is also part of this process.

GenOS, Intuit\’s newly announced platform, incorporates all four layers, making it one of the first organisations to fully adopt a gen OS. Due in large part to the fact that the platform is not available to other developers, the announcement did not get much notice.

To what extent do competing businesses in the field of generative AI?

Despite the fact that companies like Intuit are developing their own gen OS platforms in-house, the state of the art of LLMs is being advanced by a thriving and active ecosystem of open source frameworks and platforms. Enterprise developers may now use these frameworks and platforms to build more advanced, domain-specific generative AI systems.

Importantly, developers are increasingly riding the coattails of the few of businesses that have created so-called basic LLMs. Those core LLMs have already been trained on vast quantities of data and billions of parameters, at great effort, and these developers are discovering methods to use and enhance them at little cost. Such models like OpenAI\’s GPT-4 and Google\’s PaLM 2 are referred to as \”foundational LLMs\” since they serve as a backbone for generative AI in general. However, they also have constraints and trade-offs, which vary with the nature of the job they are intended to do and the quality of the data used in their training. Some models are designed to generate text, while others are built to generate images. While some excel at classifying data, others are more adept in summarising it.

These big, underlying language models are made available to developers through APIs so that they may be incorporated into preexisting systems. Fine-tuning, domain adaptation, and data augmentation are just some of the methods by which users may tailor these systems to meet their unique requirements and objectives. By including new data or characteristics specific to the area or job at hand, developers may improve the LLMs\’ performance and accuracy to meet their needs. If a programmer wants to construct an accounting-specific generative AI software, they may train an LLM model with accounting-specific data and rules to make it more knowledgable and trustworthy in that area.

Frameworks that let developers to query both structured and unstructured data sources, based on user input or context, are also being used to increase LLMs\’ intelligence and autonomy. If a user requests June financial data for the organisation, the framework may send a query to an internal SQL database or API and the LLM can respond with the information it gleaned.
Text and photos are examples of unstructured data sources that call for a unique strategy. For LLMs to effectively handle unstructured data, developers need embeddings, which are representations of the semantic links between data points. Embeddings are kept in vector databases, which are now a very popular investment opportunity. Pinecone, which is compatible with data lakehouse technologies like Databricks, has attracted over $100 million in financing at a value of at least $750 million.

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Seeing the corporate trend towards Pinecone, former CTO of data monitoring startup Splunk and current investor at Menlo Ventures Tim Tully made an investment in the business. So many businesses are springing up to address the need for vector embeddings, he told VentureBeat, because of this. He said, \”That\’s the way the world is headed.\” Zilliz, Weaviate, and Chroma are among competitors.

Sequoia Capital\’s Michelle Fradin and Lauren Reeder\’s New Language Model Stack
When it comes to LLM intelligence in the organisation, what should we do next?

Leaders in the big-model space, including as OpenAI and Google, are undoubtedly pushing to embed intelligence into their models from the get-go, with the goal of allowing corporate developers to depend on their APIs rather than constructing their own proprietary LLMs. For instance, Google\’s PaLM LLM-based Bard chatbot has included implicit code execution, which may recognise questions that suggest the user wants help with a particularly difficult mathematical issue. Bard realises this, and then uses a calculator to produce the necessary code to fix the issue.

Meanwhile, OpenAI introduced function calling and plugins, which are similar in that they can convert natural language into API calls or database queries. This allows a chatbot to retrieve accurate stock information from relevant databases in response to a user\’s question about stock performance.

However, these models have limitations in terms of scope, and being closed, they cannot be tailored to the needs of individual businesses. Intuit, like other large corporations, may invest in the development of custom models or the refinement of current ones to better handle the kinds of tasks in which the company excels.

Intuit and other industry heavyweights are breaking new territory with their research and development of autonomous, automated LLM \”agents\” that are even more perceptive than their predecessors. The context window in LLMs allows these agents to keep track of where they are in completing a job, serving as a kind of scratchpad on which they may reflect after taking action. If a user requests a strategy for closing the monthly accounting books by a given date, the automated agent may make a list of the separate steps required to accomplish this goal, and then carry them out one by one without human intervention. AutoGPT, a widely used open-source automated agent, has amassed more than 140,000 stars on Github. GenOrchestrator is Intuit\’s proprietary agent. It satisfies the precision standards set by Intuit and works with a wide variety of plugins.

The third layer is the runtime environment, which gives LLMs the ability to self-improve, optimise performance and cost, and make use of corporate data. According to Srivastava, here is where the most intriguing and novel work is being done. This field is being led by new open frameworks like LangChain. With the use of the LangChain interface, programmers may include LLMs through APIs and integrate them with other resources. It is possible to connect many LLMs in a chain and to set conditions for when each model should be used.

The fourth layer is the user experience, which is responsible for making the clients happy and adding value to the generative AI apps they use. Creating uniform, understandable, and interesting user interfaces is a part of this. Adjusting the LLM outputs according on user input and activity is also part of this process.

GenOS, Intuit\’s newly announced platform, incorporates all four layers, making it one of the first organisations to fully adopt a gen OS. Due in large part to the fact that the platform is not available to other developers, the announcement did not get much notice.

To what extent do competing businesses in the field of generative AI?

Despite the fact that companies like Intuit are developing their own gen OS platforms in-house, the state of the art of LLMs is being advanced by a thriving and active ecosystem of open source frameworks and platforms. Enterprise developers may now use these frameworks and platforms to build more advanced, domain-specific generative AI systems.

Importantly, developers are increasingly riding the coattails of the few of businesses that have created so-called basic LLMs. Those core LLMs have already been trained on vast quantities of data and billions of parameters, at great effort, and these developers are discovering methods to use and enhance them at little cost. Such models like OpenAI\’s GPT-4 and Google\’s PaLM 2 are referred to as \”foundational LLMs\” since they serve as a backbone for generative AI in general. However, they also have constraints and trade-offs, which vary with the nature of the job they are intended to do and the quality of the data used in their training. Some models are designed to generate text, while others are built to generate images. While some excel at classifying data, others are more adept in summarising it.

These big, underlying language models are made available to developers through APIs so that they may be incorporated into preexisting systems. Fine-tuning, domain adaptation, and data augmentation are just some of the methods by which users may tailor these systems to meet their unique requirements and objectives. By including new data or characteristics specific to the area or job at hand, developers may improve the LLMs\’ performance and accuracy to meet their needs. If a programmer wants to construct an accounting-specific generative AI software, they may train an LLM model with accounting-specific data and rules to make it more knowledgable and trustworthy in that area.

Frameworks that let developers to query both structured and unstructured data sources, based on user input or context, are also being used to increase LLMs\’ intelligence and autonomy. If a user requests June financial data for the organisation, the framework may send a query to an internal SQL database or API and the LLM can respond with the information it gleaned.
Text and photos are examples of unstructured data sources that call for a unique strategy. For LLMs to effectively handle unstructured data, developers need embeddings, which are representations of the semantic links between data points. Embeddings are kept in vector databases, which are now a very popular investment opportunity. Pinecone, which is compatible with data lakehouse technologies like Databricks, has attracted over $100 million in financing at a value of at least $750 million.

Seeing the corporate trend towards Pinecone, former CTO of data monitoring startup Splunk and current investor at Menlo Ventures Tim Tully made an investment in the business. So many businesses are springing up to address the need for vector embeddings, he told VentureBeat, because of this. He said, \”That\’s the way the world is headed.\” Zilliz, Weaviate, and Chroma are among competitors.

Sequoia Capital\’s Michelle Fradin and Lauren Reeder\’s New Language Model Stack

When it comes to LLM intelligence in the organisation, what should we do next?

Leaders in the big-model space, including as OpenAI and Google, are undoubtedly pushing to embed intelligence into their models from the get-go, with the goal of allowing corporate developers to depend on their APIs rather than constructing their own proprietary LLMs. For instance, Google\’s PaLM LLM-based Bard chatbot has included implicit code execution, which may recognise questions that suggest the user wants help with a particularly difficult mathematical issue. Bard realises this, and then uses a calculator to produce the necessary code to fix the issue.

Meanwhile, OpenAI introduced function calling and plugins, which are similar in that they can convert natural language into API calls or database queries. This allows a chatbot to retrieve accurate stock information from relevant databases in response to a user\’s question about stock performance.

However, these models have limitations in terms of scope, and being closed, they cannot be tailored to the needs of individual businesses. Intuit, like other large corporations, may invest in the development of custom models or the refinement of current ones to better handle the kinds of tasks in which the company excels.

Intuit and other industry heavyweights are breaking new territory with their research and development of autonomous, automated LLM \”agents\” that are even more perceptive than their predecessors. The context window in LLMs allows these agents to keep track of where they are in completing a job, serving as a kind of scratchpad on which they may reflect after taking action. If a user requests a strategy for closing the monthly accounting books by a given date, the automated agent may make a list of the separate steps required to accomplish this goal, and then carry them out one by one without human intervention. AutoGPT, a widely used open-source automated agent, has amassed more than 140,000 stars on Github. GenOrchestrator is Intuit\’s proprietary agent. It satisfies the precision standards set by Intuit and works with a wide variety of plugins.

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